You’re at the end of your rope. Your child’s in pain but your pediatrician has run out of options. What do you do?

There’s no doubt that you want your child to be happy and healthy, but sometimes it’s hard to find out how to make that happen. If that’s the case, have you tried a pediatric chiropractor?

Most people think of chiropractors as the doctors who help them when they throw out their back. In reality, there are plenty of ways chiropractors can help kids and teens as well.

As with any medical treatment, though, parents want to make sure it’s safe before they give it a try for their child. Here’s what you need to know”

Is it Safe to Take Your Kids to a Chiropractor?

The short answer is yes, chiropractic care can be a safe treatment for kids as long as you choose the right practitioner. Studies of pediatric chiropractic care have found a low rate of complications.

It’s also important to note that in many cases, chiropractic care is an alternative to riskier medical options. For instance, if your child is in chronic pain, you probably prefer the minimal risks from chiropractic care to the larger risks of using pain medications long-term.

How Can a Pediatric Chiropractor Help Kids?

Now that you know it’s safe, the next question is whether it can help your child.

Pediatric chiropractors have been successful in treating a wide range of conditions. The most obvious ones include misalignments and musculoskeletal issues. These problems can even appear in babies due to their position in the womb or the birthing process.

As with adults, small misalignments can lead to pain on a daily basis. For kids, especially those who don’t know how to communicate their pain, this can lead to sleeping problems, behavioral issues, and more.

In some cases, chiropractic care has helped babies with colic and those who struggle to nurse. It’s even helped some kids who suffer from chronic ear infections by draining fluid.

Another common reason kids come to a chiropractor is for help with sports-related problems. A pediatric chiropractor can help kids heal from injuries in a healthier way. For kids who have already had injuries that healed improperly, a chiropractor may also be able to help them get back to a more ideal form.

How to Choose the Right Pediatric Chiropractor

The key to safe chiropractic care for your kids is finding the right chiropractor. Try these tips:

1. Start With the Basics

First things first: makes sure you look for a Doctor of Chiropractic. Not everyone who offers a service is qualified to perform it well, so this is a vital step.

2. Look for Someone with Experience Treating Children

Treating an adult with chiropractic care is different than treating a child. There are different techniques to use. The doctor also needs to know how to apply the right amount of pressure for a child’s smaller frame. In our office, care can often be delivered with as little pressure as it takes to not break the skin of a peach while using the 5th digit. Care is very gentle.

In addition, kids tend to come to chiropractors with different complaints than adults do. If a chiropractor is used to treating adults with sore backs from office chairs, chances are that they don’t have much experience treating a toddler’s birth-related misalignments. This is a sweeping statement, and not always the case. Ironically, we often see both tech workers and their children.

Another important factor to consider is how well the chiropractor can handle kids on an emotional level. They need to be able to keep your child comfortable and make them feel safe. This is a unique skill set that not all chiropractors have. We have kids in our office all day and Dr. Tony Brooks has two little ones of his own that are often in the clinic “helping out”.

So how do you know if you’re getting a chiropractor that treats kids well? Ask about their direct experience and look for “pediatric chiropractic” among their specialties. Those who put a large emphasis on treating kids may also be members of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association like our doctor is, so this is a great resource as well. This organization offers a post graduate training program that is considered the best in the profession.

3. Ask Other Trusted Doctors for Recommendations

It holds true in close to every specialty: if you want a good recommendation, ask a doctor you already trust. When it comes to finding a pediatric chiropractor, ask your pediatrician or family physician. If you’re seeking chiropractic care for your baby, your obstetrician or midwife may be able to help.

4. Ask for Testimonials or References

A good pediatric chiropractor will have satisfied patients who are happy to share their experiences. Even if you can’t talk to patients’ parents in a direct way, the doctor should have testimonials or reviews from happy patients.

5. If It Sounds Too Good to Be True, It Is

This holds true for kids as well as adults: be wary of extreme claims. If a chiropractor claims they can cure cancer, it’s a red flag.

6. Talk to the Chiropractor About Their Approach for Your Child’s Complaints

After you’ve narrowed your search or found a great pediatric chiropractor, take the time to have a conversation before treatment begins. Tell them about your child’s issues and ask what approach they plan to take. We always offer a complimentary consultation to address these issues as well as any others.

Keep in mind that no medical professional can guarantee that a treatment will work or tell you how long it will take for it to work. However, the chiropractor should be able to offer a general estimate. We have a range that we share for each individual case.

7. Find Out the Chiropractor’s Approach to Parental Involvement

As a concerned parent, it’s important to know what you can expect throughout the treatment as well. Will you be able to be in the room during your child’s sessions? Will the chiropractor tell you everything they’re doing and give you updates on the progress?

You want to be as involved in your child’s care as possible, but you also don’t want to hinder the process. Talk to the chiropractor about their policies and about what you and your child can expect moving forward.

Finding the Best Pediatric Chiropractic Care for Your Child

Your kids are a true treasure, and you want to give them the best medical care possible. Sometimes it takes stepping outside the box to find that care. As long as you’re smart about it and you follow the tips above to find your pediatric chiropractor, it could be a safe next step for your kids.

If you’re ready to get started, schedule an appointment with our pediatric chiropractor.